SHORT STORY | Of Dust & Cicada

Maven Boren
6 min readSep 19, 2020


The rest of this will be found on Ao3 in small parts.

Sheet metal whined underneath Ryker’s gunmetal blue boot as he squatted down to poke the smoking remains of his yellow scout ship with his pistol. No amount of repair kits in the world could salvage the metal yellowjacket. It was quite a shame; he’d just gotten it serviced three weeks ago after filling out the last space on his punch card.

“I can tell you’re scowling.” A voice chirped just behind him.

Leaning on what was left of the right wing; fanning himself with a crimson plated hand was Ryker’s Scout-Partner Redeye Bastion. The man already had his helmet off, bits of dark brown hair framing his face.

“Did you even check to see if the air was breathable”

“Didn’t have to, the back of your helmet is cracked.” Ryker’s hand shot up to the back of his head, his fabric covered fingers moving along the damage.

“Dammit, I don’t have insurance on this suite.”

“Good thing we’ll probably be dead by nightfall then.”

“What makes you say that?” Ryker asked, pushing himself up using the sides of the smoking ship.

“Ship’s SOSBOX is dead, fried on impact.”


“Yeah, ah.” Bastion shifted as Ryker moved to lean up against the wing next to him. He watched the man struggle for a minute with his helmet before sighing." Need some help Dr. Bleu?” A faint grunt could be heard from behind the man’s blue helmet." I’ll take that as a yes.” Ryker moved to stand in front of the good doctor placing a hand on each side of his helm.

“Don’t rip my ears off Bastion.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” With a quick tug, like pulling on a pop-gun Ryker’s head came free from the broken helmet. "I was right, you are scowling.” Ryker Bleu suffered from a severe case of bitch-face so regardless of his mood, he was always scowling.

“Shutup.” Ryker pushed a plated hand to his forehead, sighing softly. As Bastion stared down at him, his blue helmet hooked up under his left armpit." What? What are you staring at?”

“You know. I had no idea your eyes were that dark.” Bleu blinked at the comment." Remind me of that obsidian chunk we found our first mission out together.” Bleu instinctually moved his hand closer to his eye as he absorbed the information. He couldn’t tell if it was a compliment, and if it was a compliment, why Redeye was choosing to talk about it now.

“What do my eyes have to do with us crashing into an un-scouted planet?”

“Nothing. I was just distracting you.”

“Distracting me from what?” Ryker froze as Bastion leaned close his hand making a flicking motion. Ryker turned his head just in time to see a large insect flying off his suit and onto the red sandy ground, dead on impact.” H-How long was that thing on me for!” The blue-suited man jumped practically falling into the tall brunette.

“I don’t think you really want to know Doc.” Bastion gave the shorter a gentle pat on the head, his fingers being playful with the man’s short fuzzy blonde hair. Instead of pulling away Ryker just stood underneath the hand crossing his arms. His eyebrows furrowing so far together they could almost kiss." Remember your breathing Ryker.”

“Don’t you, remember your breathing me Bastion.” The spell of Redeye’s kneading fingers vanished as Ryker stepped away, his attention casting toward a broken metal cache that had been flung from the ship.” Hope there is something to eat in here.”

“We didn’t exactly pack for a long trip.”

“Just for a moment can you pretend like you’re good at being optimistic.” That was a big ask.

“…We’ll surely get home within two days. We’ve got enough supplies to last us that long.”

“Nevermind, just, look for what we can salvage and don’t say anything.”

“Listen, I’m just being realistic.” Bastion tossed the broken helmet under his arm to the ground moving to inspect the dead alien insect." Maybe we can eat this thing.”

“Don’t make me shoot you Bastion. I only have one clip of ammo and I’ll empty it into your ass.”

“So saucy.” Bastion stuck out his tongue playfully as he poked the dead bird-sized carcass with a plated finger.

“Why are you touching that thing.” Ryker whined, kicking the metal cache open with his foot. Distraught to find it mostly empty except for a few protein bars and two canteens of purified water.

“It looks like a land lobster, but gross.”

“We’re not eating that thing Bastion.”

“Come on, I snuck some paprika into our supplies. I bet if I just-” Sand flew up next to the crimson suited male as a bullet embedded itself into the ground next to him. He turned his head looking over his shoulders batting his long eyelashes.” Alright, point taken.” He shifted to stand kicking the insect a little further away as Ryker holstered his handgun, moving to grab a protein bar and plopping himself down on the ground.” Where did such a fear of bugs even come from? We literally see giant bugs all the time on our home planet.”

“Exactly.” Ryker mumbled through bits of granola and other substances. He shifted handing Bastion a bar as the man took a seat next to him.

“So, what are we going to do?”

“Try not to die I guess.”

“Wonder if it gets cold at night here.”

“We’ll just huddle naked in the wreckage of the ship if it gets too cold.” Ryker responded with a grunt his dark eyes glowering at the dead bug a few feet away." Obviously I’ll be the big spoon since you’re so short.” Ryker’s attention whipped toward the other man.

“I’m not short.”

“You barely made it past the Academy physical exam. They had to make a special exception because you turned out to be freakishly good with firearms.”

“That is not-” Ryker trailed, whipping his head away and biting a large chunk out of his meal bar." I am perfectly average height.”

“Sure Doc, sure.” Bastion’s hand found purchase on top of the man’s head again giving it a good kneading as though the man were a cat.

“You’re lucky that I like that.” Ryker mumbled a sense of calm washing over him for a moment.

“That’s what I’m here for buddy.” Bastion beamed stupidly, his antics were simply a coping mechanism but at least they distracted the good doctor.

Both men sat in silence for a long while as they munched away on nutrient rich bars taking careful sips from their water canteens. Once their meal was over they took time to inspect the wreckage one more thankfully finding one more cache of bars and a water purifying rig.

“I hope we can find a water source. I really don’t want to drink my own piss again.” Ryker mumbled fumbling with the machine moving to precariously place it on top of a piece of the ship.

“That really traumatized you didn’t it?”

“I can’t believe they force new students to survive a week on some lifeless moon before they can even take the written exam.”

“I heard you made a sling shot and kept pelting the instructor with it.”

“She was a total hag. She kept bullying one of the female cadets who was clearly not there by choice and had been sent because her father wanted to punish her.”

“What the hell could she have done to warrant that reaction?”

“Not being a son I guess.” Ryker shrugged as he began to use a half burned data-pad to type in the supplies they were able to salvage.

“Yikes.” Bastion shifted leaning against the shipwreck putting a hand on the water purifier so it wouldn’t wobble off.” Guess some people are still archaic after all.” They continued to chat on and off before they eventually had a tarp covered stockpile created. The two suns beaming down on the wasteland they were occupying were beginning to set and neither one of them wanted to be out in the open to find out what night was like yet.

“Watch it, your elbow is digging into my back.” Ryker complained softly as he twisted a little to look at the man laying backside down staring at the ceiling of the burnt out yellow ship.

“Sorry, a lot less room in this thing now that it’s bent into itself.” Redeye turned his head as Ryker scowled at him from inches away.” You could always just cuddle next to me-”

“Absolutely not.”

“Why not?”

“Cause you snore loudly enough as it is, being right next to you would be torture.”


Note: This is a pseudo Factorio fanfiction. A lot of the ideas come from playing the game with my partner in crime. They characters really shouldn’t be taken as self-inserts but our gameplay and personalities might have some influence.



Maven Boren
Maven Boren

Written by Maven Boren

An indie game developer and game journalist wading through the ocean of the world.

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